Fagaloa Bay |
This week my husband and I decided to go to a zone meeting in Fagaloa. It is quite a drive there including a steep dirt rode down the hillside into the bay. We weren't quite sure where the chapel was, but turned to the right. It was a beautiful area with only a few homes all around the ocean bay. We were expecting to run into the church along the main road, but it was actually a dirt road that finally led to the gate of the church yard.
Missionary quarters |
We usually see the zone leaders van when we get to the church for zone meetings, but there was no van there and we were a few minutes late. So, my husband decided to knock at the door of the missionary apartment. At first he couldn't get anyone to answer the door and finally an Elder came to the door in just his underwear. We found that the zone meeting had been cancelled, but it still made us wonder why the missionaries weren't up studying or getting ready to teach. They have a perfect setting right next to the church with the ocean not far from their view. They also have a basketball stand and volleyball net for exercise. Even though the ride was unfruitful for having a zone meeting, we had a beautiful drive. We found out later that the zone leaders were at the temple and that was why the zone meeting was cancelled.
fale |
There were some children playing next to the ocean and in the fale's there.
I thought that it was very amusing that the cows were laying on the beach next to the water.

We are preparing for Christmas in Samoa. Last Sunday my husband and I got out our Christmas decorations. We have a small tree that fits on a table. It is a beautiful little pre-decorated tree. The lights come on in patterns going from red, to yellow, to green to blue and then all the colors. We have enjoyed watching this cute little tree. We watched the First Presidency Devotional last Sunday on BYU TV. Tonight they are going to be showing in in the Pesega Stake in Samoan and English. We had stake conference today. In Samoa you don't see all the commercialization of Christmas. There are a few shops that have Christmas decorations, but not nearly the hustle and bustle you see in the states. They have several groups singing Christmas songs and our stake had a Christmas program last Saturday. I think I'm going to enjoy spending this Christmas in Samoa. We will miss our family, but it will be nice to have a simple Christmas.
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